CANCELLED EVENT / 2022 Motocross Series - 25th Jan 2022

2022 Motocross Series

25 January 2022


To our Motorcycling Members,

Upon discussion with the General Manager/Interim Motocross Commissioner, Hosting Clubs and a number of Service & Hospitality providers, the decision was made last night (Monday 24 January) to cancel the 2022 New Zealand Motocross Series.

MNZ representatives have held conversations, at length with many parties involved in this Series and while considerable difficulties were being experienced and spoken of by all parties leading up to the proposed event dates, the latest national shift to the Red Zone Traffic Light System and the extra regulations that come with this, have now made many areas of delivery for these events untenable.

These are unprecedented times we are all facing and trying to navigate our way through. The decision(s) we are making are unfortunate and we can assure you we feel the disappointment as many of our membership will also do.

MNZ wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge all parties that have been involved from planning/logistics, hosting, service providers, sponsors to riders, and the support and understanding shown by so many of you is always appreciated.

MNZ now plan to review our respective Motorcycling Series and begin early planning for what we envisage as being a great series in 2023.

Kind regards – Ride Safe



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Phone: 03 236 7993 Fax: 0274 338649
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